Thank you for your interest in My story was born out of personal experience. It was not a journey I would wish upon anyone but because of it, a new strength to fight, to believe, and to survive was born.
My name is James Gregware. In 2019, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer. Specifically, leukemia, and my condition required immediate treatment. However, despite the urgency, I was given a prescription and sent on my way. Without any forewarning of what came next, what followed were the worst months of my life. Everything that could go wrong, did. In a short matter of months, I went from a passionate, highly driven businessman to someone now needing to ‘get my affairs in order’. I was living a nightmare I never saw coming and one where waking up offered no relief…
The only thing that continued unabated was my desperate need for treatment – and I was getting none. More and more I was left to my own thoughts – all day, every day: What would my wife do without me? Who would put up the Christmas tree or take care of the car? Who would she share coffee with or talk to during our evening walks? The list of things went on and on. Our 45-year relationship was coming to an end and all I could do about it – was watch.
The daily desperation never relented. I went from feeling perfectly fine to see the end of my life coming at warp speed. And as every day passed, a little bit more of the hope I had left was lost, and with that, my strength to fight. Eventually, I reached the end of that road. My hope was gone. I had no choice but to accept a reality I couldn’t change. It was then I decided to try one last thing.
With all hope lost, I threw a ‘Hail Mary’. (Pun intended). I wrote the top leadership of the hospital hoping that somehow, they would react and intercede. To my very great surprise, they did – immediately. With an emergency room focus, a team was assembled and brought in to attack every aspect of my fight. It took a while but through the grace of God, the treatment was successful. I am now in full remission.
Cancer tried to rob me of my life. It created impossible roadblocks coupled with impossible options. So, when suddenly my case went from no hope to a fighting team and then on to a victory, that left a profound impact on me. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. While this was no different, there was a distinct clarity that could not be ignored. For the first time in my 65 years, I understood the why behind it all. And now as you read this and learn about our purpose, so will you.
Everyone diagnosed with cancer will face unique and often, very difficult challenges. But regardless of circumstances, the one common thread everyone needs is the ability to fight. And the fuel for that is 100% rooted in hope. I learned that the hard way. But now everyone facing this journey will have an edge available to them. While it’s not a pill or an infusion, it is something altogether better – it’s a new state of mind. You see, hope is often just embedded in attitude. But when someone is fighting for their actual survival, that may not be enough. Hope, faith, and desperation often become parts of this same equation. But for a great many people, most in fact, if you can’t touch it, feel it, and grasp it with all your strength, the link to that power can fade fast, especially if things turn worse. And that’s where our story takes root. When fighting cancer, there’s nothing more powerful than the belief that you can beat it. Only now, you actually can take that belief, combine it with our pendant and hold that hope tightly in your hands with the power and faith you never knew could be possible. I know that to be true because, I lived it. That’s why I want, and need, to share that with you here.
Please allow me to introduce to you the ‘Light of Hope’ mission – also known as I sincerely hope you will find it as powerful as I did.
You’ll notice our logo is a lighthouse. For many across the globe, light represents that higher power; the hope, and the faith that better outcomes are always possible – if you believe. And to be sure, the lighthouse profile is not just a coincidence. It’s a message. It’s our message. And if you so choose, it can also be yours.
We are a Not-for-Profit organization. ALL revenues are directed towards the purchase and dissemination of our exclusive “Light of Hope” Pendants along with a donation to the selected cancer organization of YOUR choice as listed on our Checkout page.
When you believe in the Light of Hope, anything is possible.
Believe it.